Category Direct
Subcategory Online and mobile
Entrant agency TRIAD Advertising
Client O2 Slovakia
Brand O2 Slovakia
Product/service Mobile Service provider
Release date 17.11.2016
Advertising agency TRIAD Advertising
Creative director Vlado Kurek
Copywriter Roman Hribik
Copywriter Matus Priehoda
Art director Tomas Banik
Account director Maru Mitlikova

Half of young slovaks today don't know why there is national holiday on 17. November. Nonetheless it is the day we owe our freedom to - the day the velvet revolution begun and the iron curtain fell. O2 a mobile service provider decided to use its power to change that. O2 is a challenger brand that fights for freedom and fairness in the telco market in Slovakia.

We reestablished the iron curtain in the digital space to remind people that they cross borders online or physically everyday and take it for granted. But this wasn't always like this. In the past they could be shot at the spot. This time, on the 17 November 2016, they could continue freely. And it was a strong and eyeopening experience for them.

On the 17. 11. 2016 we redirected all the customer internet traffic to foreign domains (such as .com, .net and all other foreign country domains), to a website that represented the national border - a digital iron curtain. We also sent a special reminder SMS to everyone who just crossed the real physical border of the country.

In just one day, 400 000 people were withhold on the digital iron curtain. All using our own free media in a very special way. This became a huge topic in slovakia, resulting in spontaneous PR on various slovak online magazines and social media. Bringing up this theme nationwide, may even have caused that 4 months after our campain the first victim of iron curtain in history was rehabilitated by a slovak court and established hereby a precedent.