Partner and Managing Director of PR Concept, Estonia

Aive Hiiepuu is Strategic PR Consultant, daily working as partner and manager in the marketing and PR consultancy company PR Concept. For seventh year she is the President of the Estonian Public Relations Association.

She has experience in a broad range of public relations areas. Additionally to Baltic and Scandinavian markets she has been working for EU Advisory Group to the Republic of Armenia in order to prepare awareness program for The Pension System Reform in Armenia. She has successfully conducted awareness projects both from social and marketing field. She has completed projects including social awareness, promotional campaigns for end-consumers, trade relations exercises, event management, product launches, fairs and exhibitions; all these include also media relations. All together there are more than 200 projects, she has been involved during last 20 years as main project manager. Her PR projects have been awarded with Estonian and Baltic level best PR practice awards. She is Member of Council of  Tallinn University, Institute of Communication, Member of the Board of SOS Children’ Villages Estonia. She has also been worked as advisor on State Symbols manual. Aive has graduated Tallinn University Philology department and Estonian School of Diplomacy on International Relations and European studies. She has been working also as leading lecturer of the Marketing Development and Communication program at the Estonian Business School. Her hobby is cultural diversity study: she has travelled independently extensively all over the world