Thomas was appointed Global President for Vizeum in December 2012. He has been with the group for almost 20 years having first joined Carat in 1995 with a background at other agencies and client (Colgate).
He has been at Aegis sharing his career between local agency leadership (various CEO roles for the French operations) and international client servicing functions.
That included geographic responsibilities as Thomas was leading international business for the Scandinavian region (1997/2000) as well as regional or global business leadership for clients like GM, Ferrero, Total or Société Général.
Some of these remain in his remit today. He was one of the founding directors of Vizeum with the responsibility to launch and grow our French operation just about 10 years ago. Having been associated to the birth of the network makes this opportunity even more meaningful and exciting.
Now heading the Vizeum network globally, Thomas has the overall responsibility over client relationship, positioning, product and marketing and business development of the Vizeum brand. He sits on the Global Brand Board with the Global Executive Committee and the other Brand Presidents.